
Movement Tip: The Deadlift

Movement Tip: The Deadlift

The Deadlift is another big fundamental movement and differs from the squat in that is it a hinge movement. This means that Fitness of moving the hips mostly downwards, we…

Movement Tip: The Thruster

The Thruster is sort of a barbell version of the Wall Ball that we looked at last week (but please don’t let go of your Barbell to send it flying…

Movement Tip: The Wall Ball

The Wall Ball is a great little movement that you will encounter fairly early in your Crossit journey. It looks simple enough, a bit of a cross between the Squat…

Movement Tip: The Push Press

The Push Press, which CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates for us in this video, is very similar to the Shoulder Press, except now we use the hips to…

Movement Tip: The Shoulder Press

Also known as the Strict Press or Overhead Press, and demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, the Shoulder Press is the starting point of all our overhead…

Movement Tip: The Double-Under

Once you’ve perfected all the performance points of the single under, you’re ready to try your hand at the infamous Double-Under, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher.…

Movement Tip: The Single-Under

The Single-Under is really just a single skip. If it has been some time since you picked up a skipping rope, then working on getting a good relaxed rythm going…

Movement Tip: The Overhead Squat

The Overhead Squat, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart, is the most unforgiving of all the squat movements, so it not for everybody when they first start…

Movement Tip: The Back Squat

Last week we looked at the Front Squat, this week CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart shows us the Back Squat. This differs from the Front Squat in that the…

Movement Tip: The Front Squat

Once we’ve nailed the perfect Air Squat, we can start to add some weight. This can be done with a kettlebell in the form of a Goblet Squat, or a…