Free Trial Class

Join us for a free trial class and experience a tailored workout, meet new friends and learn why our program works.

Balaclava Fitness is more than simply a gym to work out at. It is a community who inspire and encourage each other every day. It is difficult to experience everything our gym has to offer in one sessions, so we are offering a free trial class with no obligation, no pressure and no judgements.

Our gym is for everybody. Every workout is totally scaleable and each individual can work to their own fitness level.

Welcome to Balaclava Fitness

Our facility is unlike any gym you’ve been to before. We pride ourselves in not only providing world class training but we also believe in creating a motivating, dynamic environment filled with like-minded people of all ages and body types, who are committed to working hard and achieving lasting fitness results. We love what we do and it shows on the gym floor. Come in for a free trial class, make some friends and get fit fast!

Success Stories From Members

Balaclava Fitness have fantastic coaches who work really closely with you to ensure you are getting the knowledge and understanding of basic skills. You will be challenged every day you come into the gym. I have found just how much I can push myself to do things I would never have believed possible. The coaches will push you to reach your best and continually encourage you to work on your weaknesses.
You will become fit and strong. You will get out what you put in. I know through all the hard work the coaches have put into me, that I benefit in every training session. I really enjoy the atmosphere at Balaclava Fitness, everyone in your class will encourage you to push hard and to finish your workout, no matter how much you think you can’t. A very happy and fun environment that you will achieve lots in!
Balaclava Fitness
Amy Rogers
I love this gym. I love how the trainers are dedicated to helping you improve and beat your personal bests. I love how it always challenges and can be easily scaled to any level of fitness or ability. But the thing I love most about Balaclava Fitness is the camaraderie. At other gyms you turn up, do your workout and go home. But here there’s a community. People chat before and after the sessions and, most importantly, support each other through the workouts. I frequently finish last but I am never alone in doing so.
Balaclava Fitness


Join us for 3 classes for $0!